The Most Common Cyber Hack, And Why Your Company May Be At Risk
Cybersecurity is a big deal. Without it, companies could be hacked and robbed on a daily basis. So, what is the biggest and most common cyber hack attack on any company? Could your company be at risk? Here is more on what that hack is, why your company may be at risk, and how you can go about protecting your company.
The Credit Card Hack
If you take credit card payments from customers (and what company does not?), then your company is always at risk for this hack. This is especially true of companies that are pulling down thousands and thousands of dollars every day in sales. This kind of profit from the credit card sales is like a giant green light to cyber thieves. You may be off their proverbial radar until your company starts making tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars daily, weekly, or monthly. Then these cyber thieves will move in and pounce, grabbing customer credit card numbers and info as fast as they can get it.
Why Your Company May Be at Risk
As smaller companies grow and gain financial ground, they are at risk because they do not prepare in advance for the probability of being hacked. They generally assume that they will be safe or that their internet firewalls provided by their internet service companies are adequate at keeping cyber criminals at bay. Unfortunately, that is not the case. A cybercriminal can and will find a way in if he/she is determined to do so, and what information he/she takes at that point leads to major security breaches and customer financial burdens. Do not be that company that does not do all it can to prevent these hacks from the beginning.
How You Can Protect Your Company
First and foremost, hire a cybersecurity consulting service in your area. These folks can assess the risks and dangers your company has and look for any current issues you do not even know you have. The big thing about uncovering a credit card hack, for example, is that these hackers build virtual "back doors" into your cyber system, and they take information without even alerting you in the slightest of ways that you have been hacked. A consultant can find these secret back doors and slam them shut, as well as uncover what information the hackers have been stealing. Then you can take additional measures to alert your customers, protect them against future issues, and help them in whatever way you can.